To encourage young researchers and to recognize excellence, ICASA 2023 will present the Young Investigator Award for each track. The prize supports young researchers who demonstrate excellence in the area of research programs related to the scale up of prevention and treatment interventions in resource-limited settings.

To be eligible for nomination, presenting authors of the abstract must be no older than 35 years of age on 4th December 2023 and is a citizen of a low/middle income country (according to the World Bank classification).

The research must have been carried out in a low/middle income country and must, directly or indirectly, be related to increasing access to prevention and/or treatment in resource-constrained settings. A prize of US $1,000 will be given to the highest scoring abstract which meets the above criteria for each of the conference tracks.

The ICASA Best Oral Abstract winners will also be awarded an ICASA full scholarship. As an additional perk, winners will receive complimentary ICASA delegate registration, granting access to an enriching and diverse conference experience.

Also, all Oral Abstract presenters will receive full scholarships, including free registration.


Madame Edwige Hermione Dagba Gbessin, Benin

Madame Edwige Hermione Dagba Gbessin, Benin

TRACK A: Basic Science (Biology & Pathogenesis)
TITLE OF ABSTRACT: Diversité génétique et profile de résistance des enfants en échec thérapeutique et suivis sur cinq sites de prise en charge au BENIN
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Dr. Nkazimulo Immaculate Tshuma, Zimbabwe

Dr. Nkazimulo Immaculate Tshuma, Zimbabwe

TRACK B: Clinical Science, Treatment & Care
TITLE OF ABSTRACT: Analysis of causes and clinical determinants of mortality among people living with HIV at Mpilo Centre of Excellence, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
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Mr. Wayne Otieno, Kenya

Mr. Wayne Otieno, Kenya

TRACK C: Epidemiology & Prevention Science
TITLE OF ABSTRACT: Amplifying Voices: Enhancing Beneficiary Experience via Virtual Anonymous Feedback for Adolescents and Young People's Program in Siaya County, Kenya
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Miss.Princess Rudo Mharire, Zimbabwe

Miss. Princess Rudo Mharire, Zimbabwe

TRACK D: Human Rights, Social Science & Political Science
TITLE OF ABSTRACT: Law, Beyond Metrics: How the Simple Participatory Assessment of Real Change (SPARC) Tool Provides a Holistic Approach to Advocacy Measurement
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Dr. Clorata Gwanzura, Zimbabwe

Dr. Clorata Gwanzura, Zimbabwe

TRACK E: Health systems, Economics and Implementation Science
TITLE OF ABSTRACT: Differentiated Service Delivery Programme Monitoring during Scale – Up _ A description of Innovations from Zimbabwe, 2017 - 2022
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