Media Accreditation

Media representatives must register online . Only fully completed registration forms will be accepted. To be able to register as a media representative, you must be at least 18 years old. You may be asked to present an official identity card stating your age.

At no time can any media delegates share their passes with other delegates. Identification checks will be done on entry to the media centre to avoid this from happening. Accreditation from host country is compulsory for media registration.

Read more on Accreditation requirements

Media representatives need to register through the online registration system. There is no registration fee for accredited media representatives. However, to register as a media representative, you must submit:

  • Letter of assignment and
  • Copy of press ID of the applicant and
  • Copy of the applicant’s passport

The above are mandatory requirements for all members of the crew and not only the team/crew leader.

All submitted credentials will be thoroughly checked and verified by the ICASA 2023 Conference Secretariat and additional credentials may be requested by the host country before accreditation is approved.